Details: glass - plastic fame size 120x16 steel dustbin with lid - height 24 "diameter 12" weight 3.5kg | prana pressure cooker - aluminum pressure cooker 5l0 capacity isi mark crate steel - stenness steel wire round crate "height 8" weight 2kg minimum dari khadi-size (10x12) weight 5.5kg minimum door mate- rubber (24 "xi8") children's size thongs wiper-metal 4 "length rad. including chart paper 130gsm size (22 "x28 '') pencil - hb black (10pc per pocket) length 7" pra pencil color - 12pc per pocket, length 4 "pry box tin - size (36" lx24 "wx18 * h) weight 12kg min. - plastic size 6 ° x6 'feet per nugge mat jute - 6'x3' feet per nos. pra anganwadi center name board - (3'x2 ') size 1 ft. high with extra stand mounted in an iron pipe frame weight 4kg minimum, printed or written on one side as per format. iron wrought iron swivel - weight 3kg minimum capacity uli 0 diameter 14 "lock key - round 3 key 65mm size is] mark plain register-4 quar, ruled, 70gsm bright paper anganwadi m.p.r. - 4 p
Sector: Women and child development