Details: designing and development of communication materials aimed atgenerating positive awareness regarding activities under the uttarakhand healthsystems development project [ukhsdp] communication frameworkstakeholder strategy including mediavehicletiming participation (andresponsibility)monitoring toolcommunity, pris/opinion leaders andfield workers (asha,anm) mass media disseminationabout project andcomponents, and itsbenefits leaflet about project topris and field workersalong with letter fromgovernment pc on behaviour change forutilization of services fromtarget facilities andfeedback of serviceprovision - supported bylocal agency/ ngo workingon health monthly meeting withcommunity and pris byukhsdp staff inassociation with districtstaffs and ppp serviceprovidersat the time of tendering;follow up on annual basisabout output/ outcomesat the time of tendering;follow-up at the time ofstarting ppp operationwith leaflet distributionthrough newspaperat the time of initiatingproject activit
Sector: Medical and Health