Details: a4 letter head 100 gsm paper with printing paper one pcs9 14x18 cloth pollinate envelope safety pcs10 12x18 colour glossy pintout 300gsm pcs11 12x6 cloth pollinate envelope with printing safety pcs1212x6x2 cloth pollinate gate fold envelopedoubal side guming with printing safetypcs13 (ctd-740n)14 digit calculator citizen pcs14 a/4 colour gloosy printout 300gsm pcs15 a/4 size copiier paper 75gsm copy power pkt16 a/4 lamination pcs17 a/4 size copiier paper 75gsm reflection pkt18 a/4 copy power copier paper (legal size paper)- 75 gsm. bilt pkt19 blank cd (700 mb) moser baer pcs20 blank dvd (4.7 gb) moser baer pcs21 box file kangaro bpattipcs22 cable tie heavy 62mm x 250mm kss pkt23 cable tie heavy 62 x 300mm kss pkt24 12 digit calculator orpat pcs25 pastic i card two side printing with cardholder & pulley exceed set26 cello tape 1" kansuee pcs27 cello tape 2" kansuee pcs28 chart paper regular 140 gsm pcs29 full cloth patti files paras pcs30 correction pen dehza pcs31 corroection paper tap
Sector: Human Resources