Details: rough machining of connection rod ni=0.23% issue drg no d1230x1186: rev-0 return drg no. d0352, d0373, d0361, d0363 & ft-11-97 v03: rev-00 issue qty 01 return qty 17 (all terms and consitions will be as per annexure a,d of this te and self certification submitted to cffp for class i local supplier) rough machining of connection rod ni=0.23% issue drg no d1230x1186:rev-00 return drg no. d0352, d0373, d0361, d0363 & ft-11-97 v03: rev-00 issue qty 01 return qty 17 nos (all terms and consitions will be as per annexure a,d of this te and self certification submitted to cffp for class i local supplier)
Sector: Power Sector