Details: name of work: tentage on daily rent basis for annual tech. fest cognizance-2025item description2tentage on daily rent basis for annual tech. fest cognizance-2025 required during 20.03.2025 to 23.03.2025 (four days)sofa with cover (2 seater vip sofa)chair plasticdunlop chair with cover without armstables with cover (2.5 x sft)round tables with covergreen carpet (5x30ft)ceiling (15ft x15ft)curtain(15ft x 15ft)dustbin 50 lit capacityiron poles 20ft heightgenerators (125 mw) with operetorgenerators silent (62 mw)green room tent with waterproofaluminium stallsbarricading wooden 5ft height (running sq ft)
Sector: Science University