Details: laboratory furniture r.h. 900 ht.c-frame assy. for table depths 770 wall side without upright , 1540 island without upright & 920 wall side with upright l.h. 900 ht.c-frame assy. for table depths 770 wall side without upright , 1540 island without upright & 920 wall side with upright common 900 ht.c-frame assy. for table depth 1540 island with upright 750 module length horizontal members 1500 module length horizontal members 1540 depth island with upright & without upright end cover panel 2100 ht.island upright with cutout & plain cover (without cutout) 2100 ht.island plain upright & cover with cutout 1500 module length island electrical boom - cutout : 6 module + 6 module 1500 module length glass reagent shelf for island wfu-2s-750w-635h pp drop-in sink model s 06 560 mm (w) x 355 mm (d) 3 way water faucet bench mounted, 8"" swing gooseneck jet black granite ( 20 (±2) mm thk silicon sealant - black masking tape neoprene (running meter) (30mm wide & 6 mm thick) sr-998 glue
Sector: Infrastructure