Details: consultancy for design and cost estimation for construction of two lane class “a” loading bridges in bageshwar-girechhina-someshwar-dwarahat-vimandeshwar-ira-ranikhet motor road ( sh-58) in km 53 ( hectometer 0-2), km 53(hectometer 4-6), km 65 (hectometer 4-6), km 77(hectometer 0-2), km 80(hectometer 6-8), km 90(hectometer 8-10) and km 92 (hectometer 8-10) under state sector in legistative assembly area dwarahat in district almora. including (a)- feasibility study of each bridge (above)(a)-geological investigation and submissionof report. (b)-hydrological investigation, analysis and design including preparation and submission of design report. (c)-topographic survey, traffic survey (if required) and preparation of 4 no. longitudinal section & cross section for site section and preparation of final gad after site selection and other drawings as required., (b)-geotechnical investigation and design of foundation and substructure including vetting from reputed technical institute or
Sector: PWD