Details: one no. to be engaged for plantation, watering the plants, watch & ward of the office garden & plantation in irrigation colony at soro including all taxes excluding gst two nos to be engaged for watch & ward of the rest shed, irrigation colony qrs. at night and day time including all taxes excluding gst. one no. to be engaged for cleaning the rest shed , office verandah, rooms, toilets, of the division office & and 3 nos. sub-division offices, office premises etc including all taxes excluding gst. one no to be engaged for caring of guests at rest shed at soro canal division, soro including all taxes excluding gst. one no to be engaged for electrician for repair and maintenance of electrification in rest shed, office building & res. qrs. in irrigation colony at soro including all taxes excluding gst. engagement of 01(one) no. office assistant for execution of day to day official works at soro canal division, soro including all taxes excluding gst.
Sector: Irrigation