Details: excavation of foundation trenh in hard soil including dressing of sides and levelling of bed , disposal of earth within initial lead of 50 mtr. and initial lift of 1.50 mtr. etc. complete. filling sand in foundation and plinth well watered and rammed including cost, conveyance, royalty all labour charges etc. complete. supply & filling good laterite moorum in foundation and plinth well watered & rammed including cost, conveyance, royalty all labour charges etc complete. rough stone dry packing in aprons & revetments with hard granite stones of size 15 to 30 cm size including filling the intertices with good river sand with cost ,conveyance, royalties and taxes of all materials,cost of all labour and t&p required for the work etc complete. cement concrete (1:4:8) using 40 mm size b.h.g. metal of approved quality and from approved quarry including hoisting lowering laying compacting,watering ,curring, cost , conveyance and royalty of all materials, cost of all labour and t&p.required f
Sector: Logistics and warehouses