Details: 500kva, 11/0.4 kv, distribution transformer, bis level-ii (as per amendment 4 of is 1180), star-ii with labour cess cost of 11mtr long 150*150 mm rs joist 34.6kg/mtr jiost pole for cable with labour cess transportation ( @ 7.5% of a) with labour cess charges of transformer/ breaker/ joist pole (5% of(a) with labour cess cost of other meterial for (line & s/s) accessories for 11/0.4kv plinth mounted 500 kva s/s on 11 mtr long 300kg joist pole with double disc arrangement and 5 nos gi flat earthing alongwith lt distribution box with mccb arrangement (excluding pole & transformer) with labour cess 11kv 1core, 100mm2 xlpe insulated aaa conductor (unarmoured)(conversion from bare to insulated) with labour cess 11kv 1core, 100mm2 xlpe insulated aaa conductor (unarmoured) for new line with labour cess v cross arm with labour cess 11kv pin insulator, polymer with labour cess 11 kv f clamp 2.9 kg. each with labour cess dp for installation for metering unit with earthing arrangement except
Sector: Urban Authority