Description: Construction of SFRC Pre cast Compound Wall in Agricultural Farm At Baisinga Dist Mayurbhanja Name of Work Construction of SFRC Pre cast Compoud Wall at Baisinga Mayurbhanja Agricultural Farm
Details: Pre-cast Providing supplying and fixing the Pre-cast SFRC (Pre-tensioned steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete) round wall with Pre-Cast RCC Pole having finished dimension of 175mmx175mmx3000mm providing the construction joint at the interval of 15.4mm made in M-30 grade concrete in OPC with 6 nos. of 4mm dia HTPC (High TEnsion pre coated) wire, fixed in cast-in-situ CC M-30 concrete in footing of size 600mm dia 600mm depth, 100mm sand filling in all kind of soil of size of size 600mm dia and 850mm depth including watering & curing for required days along with supplying, fitting, fixing of Pre-cast, Pre-tensioned SFRC Slab having dimension of 2100mm (long) x 300mm (wide) x 50mm (thick) (7 nos. of slab + 300mm x 150mm downward U shaped coping) for span made with M30 grade concrete having 433 dia GI HTPC wire, 4 nos. covering the top of compund wall hole with a pre-cast SFRC cover of size (300mm x 300mm x 150mm) in order to keep the panels in position etc. complete in all respect including cos
Sector: Industries and Factories