Details: earth work excavation of foundation in hard soil within 50 m. initial lead and 1.50 m initial lift including rough dressing and breaking clods to maximum 5 cm to 7 cm and laying in layers not exceeding 0.30 m in depth including cess and as per the direction of engineer in charge. filling foundation and plinth with sand well watered and rammed including all cost conveyance royalty etc . complete as per the direction of engineer in charge. cement concrete c.c (1:3:6) using 40 mm size crusher broken hard black grainite (hbg) metal in foundation including curing etc complete as per direction of the engineer-in-charge. c c (1:2:4) with 20mm nominal size hard granite chips (crusher broken) including cost, conveyance, royalty of material etc complete as directed by the engineer--in charge . rigid and smooth centering an shuttering for c c works including false works and dismantling then after casting including cost, carriage and royalty etc. complete with cess and as directed by engin
Sector: Irrigation