Details: section-i- equipment for therapy unit treadmill- 4hp noiseless ac motor bolsters of different sizes puzzle – body parts with two expressions with box, animal, birds, fruits, transports, different shapes lower extremity cpm cp chair static cycle reclined cycle height scale texture fruit tree ball pool (48”x 48”) perdue peg board- large, medium & small exercise mats – 6’x3’ exercise frame – rope mess, pip ladder and rock climbing board trampoline (48 inch) with mess covering quadriceps table with detachable backrest stethoscope blood pressure apparatus goniometer – 180 & 360 degree electronic stopwatch digital weighting machine treatment trolley muscle stimulator combo- with current -galvanic, interrupted galvanic, faradic, surged faradic and tens weight cuff- 1/4 kg, 1/2 kg, 1 kg, 1.5 kg thera band- different colours and ranges thera putty with different colours & ranges portable shoulder exerciser with pronation supination arrangement grip exerciser hand gym kit board wrist rol
Sector: Disability and Handicap