Details: data collection providing all effort and resource (manpower, infrastructure, transport) deployment based on lumpsum variable estimate depending on no. of revenue map sheets, no. of rors as available with dowr.etc. all complete.secondary data collection providing effort and resource (manpower, infrastructure, transport) deployment based on lumpsum variable estimate depending on no. of patches and extent of notified forest area, no. of toposheetsreauired. procurement of hrsi.etc. all compilation providing effort and resource (manpower, infrastructure) deployment based on lumpsum variable estimate depending on verification of land schedule with ror including sabik comparison, no. of village revenue cadastral map (digitisation, mosaicing).etc. all complete.providng effort and resource such as manpower, infrastructure, equipment, logistics and transport for dgps survey of forest land and orsac certification baasing on no. of village cadastral maps involved, requirement of p
Sector: Irrigation