Description: Building Work Name of Work Construction of Panposh Fire Station Building in Sundargarh District Including Approach road Water VAT Boundary wall
Details: CVL 50000000"Earth work in hard soil or gravelly soil within 50m. initial lead and 1.5m. initial lift including rough dressing and breaking clodsto maximum 5cm. to 7cm. and laying and layers not exceeding 0.3m. in depth. "Ground Floor 50000003"Providing and laying plain cement concrete 1:4:8 (1 cement: 4 sand: 8 stone agregate 40mm nominal size) as levelling course in foundation and plinth etc. including tempering, curring, shuttering etc.complete all depth and height. "Ground Floor 50000008"Providing and laying reinforced cement concret of M-20 grade with 20mm and down grade black hard grinite(crusher broken) stone chips including cost of all materials, labours T&P etc. Complete but excluding the cost of reinforcement. "Ground Floor First Floor Second Floor 50000009"Rigid and smooth centering and shuttering false, levelled works and dismentalling then after casting including cost of mterials complete for Plinth band & Column Footing. "Ground Floor 50000010" Providing and fixing,center
Sector: Police and Internal Security