Description: Building Work Name of Work Constn of Addl Work of Newly Constructed Mathematics Hall at Sambalpur University
Details: CVL 50000008"Providing and laying reinforced cement concret of M-20 grade with 20mm and down grade black hard grinite(crusher broken) stone chips including cost of all materials, labours T&P etc. Complete but excluding the cost of reinforcement. "First Floor 50000010" Providing and fixing,centering,shuttering of lintels including removal of form work at all depth and height."First Floor 50000011"Providing and fixing,centering,shuttering of griders beams,column etc including removal of forms work at all depth and heaight. "First Floor 50000013"Providing and fixing,centering,shuttering of R.C.C. slabs, staircase,Chajja,including removal of form work at all depth and height. "First Floor 50000020"12mm thick cement plaster in cement mortar 1:6 (1cement:6sand) including necessary scaffolding curring etc. All complete at all depth and height. for out side portion wall. "First Floor 50000021"6mm thick cement plaster in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement:4 sand) to R.C.C surfaces finished smmoth incl
Sector: Police and Internal Security