Details: binocular microscope with oil immersionstool transport carriertest tube racktable top centrifuge for medical use refrigerator lg spirit lamp indian model smear transporting boxsemi automated bio-chemistry analyzerdigital hb meteresr stand with tubemicro pipettehot air oven 14x14x14 inches ss make incubator 14x14x14 inches ss make ph metertcdc countneubauer chamber rohem indiaelectrolyte analyzerpressure cuff & stop watchcoscos speculumexamination table simplestand focus light glassware etcfire extinguisherbp apparatus( 3 size cuft- adult, ped & child)thermometer(digital )weighing machine platform-digital- adultinfant weighing scalestadiometertorch(led) for medical use stethoscope (double head)x-ray view box(single panel)tongue depressor(2sizes)otoscope(led )foetoscopeinch tape for medical use snellen & near vision chartsstethoscopebp apparatus( 3 size cuft- adult, ped & child)weighing scaleinch tape for medical use facility for measuring height (stadiometer)foetoscopethermometerw
Sector: Urban Authority