Details: excavation of foundation by mechanical means in all kinds of soil with initial lead, lift and rehandling including rough dressing and leveling the bed and sides of foundation and disposal of the excavated materials with all leads, lifts and delfts & breaking clods to maximum 5cm to 7cm & laying in layers not exceeding 0.30m in depth including dewatering, shoring and shuttering, cess etc. complete as per direction of the engineer-in-charge. excavation of any approved type of soil in approved borrow area by mechanical means loading into and transportation by mechanical means and unloading the soil within lead of 1 km on properly prepared and scientifically approved surface for construction of embankment including spreading and leveling the earth in 22.5 cm layers to make ready for watering and compaction with sheep foot rollers and dozers but excluding watering and compaction in dam and for all heights including construction, maintenance, watering and lighting of haul road and borr
Sector: Water supply and Sewerage