Description: Construction of Kitchen and Store room of UGME School Birikala at Birikala R and R Colony for the DPs of village Birikala and Gobindapur of KIP Name of Work Construction of kitchen store room of U G M E school Birikala at Birikala R R Colony for the DPs of village Birikala Gobindpur of K I P
Details: Earth work in excavation of foundation in hard soil or gravelly soil with all leads, lifts delifts, rough dressing, breaking clods and levelling the bed etc complete as per direction of the Engineer-in-Charge Filling foundation and plinth with excavated material with well compacted etc. complete as per the direction of the Engineer-in-charge. Supplying & filling foundation & plinth with sand well watered and rammed including all cost, conveyance, royalty of materials, labour charges, T & P etc. complete as per the direction of the Engineer-in -Charge Cement concrete ( 1:3:6) in foundation and floors (i.e below the base course of terrace flooring using 4 cm size black hard crusher broken granite stone metal (free from weathered skinned & debris etc.) of approved quality including cost and conveyance royalities of all materials and cost of all labour with T& P required for the work complete and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge . RCC/CC (1:2:4) using 12mm hard black gran
Sector: Irrigation