Details: drain cleaning in manual means including cost conveyance and royalty etc. complete. including cost, conveyance, royalities and taxes of all materials, cost of all labour, machineries & t&p required for the work etc. complete in all respects as per specification and direction of the engineer-in-charge. raising rcc work of m-20 grade with 20mm downgraded size hard granite chips including hoisting and laying.including cost, conveyance, royalities and taxes of all materials, cost of all labour, machineries & t&p required for the work etc. complete in all respects as per specification and direction of the engineer-in-charge drain wall rcc work of m-20 grade with 20mm downgraded size hard granite chips including hoisting and laying.including cost, conveyance, royalities and taxes of all materials, cost of all labour, machineries & t&p required for the work etc. complete in all respects as per specification and direction of the engineer-in-charge precast slab supplying fitting and placing unc
Sector: Road development