Details: clearing grass, grabbing light jungles including uprooting small stumps of bushes and removal of up to a distance 50.00m out of site the periphery of the area including all labours, t&p etc. complete as directed by the engineer-in-charge. cement concrete m-15 grade 20mm down graded crusher broken hard granite aggregate of approved qualify from approved quarry from weathered skin auarry and foreign materials mixing by concrete mixer including lifting the materials hoisting lowering and laying the concrete to required level with all leads and lefts compacting in layers of 0.15m thick with vibrators ramming finishing to proper and level. finishing the exposed surface smooth including watering curing for required period etc. including cost , convewyance, royality and other taxes of all materials lab our t&p materials required for this item including hire runninf charges of the machineries complete as directed by the engineer-in-charge. providing and removing rigid smooth centering
Sector: Irrigation