Details: clearing grass and removal of rubbis up to a distance of 50 m out side the periphery of the area as per direction of engineer in charge. flank dressing to proper camber etc. complete as per direction of engineer-in-charge providing labour for laying sub-base in layers not exceeding 100mm watering and compacting to the required density in o.m.c with prr including cost, carriage, conveyance and royalty of moorum etc. complete as per direction of engineer-in-charge. cement concrete (1:1.5:3) with 12mm size hard granite chips in foundation & plinth including hoisting, & laying concrete & watering with all cost, conveyance, royalty, taxes etc. supplying & fixing guard posts as per direction of engineer in charge. including cost, conveyance of all materials as per specification. painting two coats with any approved paint including cost of paints
Sector: RDPR