Details: restoration of rain cuts with soil moorum gravel or a mixtue of these cleaning the loose soil benching for 300mm width laying fresh materials in layers not exceeding 250mm and compaction with plate compactor or power rammer to restore the original alignment level and slopes as per drawing and mord technical specification clause 1902 making up lose of material/ irregularties on shoulders to the design level by adding fresh approved selected soil and compacting it with appropriate equipment at omc upto a lead of 1000m as per mord tecvhnical specification clause 1903 white washing two ocoats on parapet walls and tree trunks including preparation of surface by cleaning scrapping etc. as per mord technical specifications clause 1915 maintenance of road signs by way of cleaning and repainting of mandatory/ regulatory/ cautionary/ informatory and place inentification sign board as per drawing and technical specification clause 1910 cutting of branches of trees shrubs from the roadway or with
Sector: RDPR