Details: foundation excavation in hard soil including levelling and dressing the bed and sides depositing muck within initial lead and lift etc. complete as per direction of engg-in-charge . supplying, filling in foundation and plinth with sand including watering and ramming with cost, conveyance, royalties and taxes of sand with labour and t&p required for the work etc. complete (measurement will betaken on finished compacted section only). c.c.( 1:3:6) in foundation and floors using 4cm (1½”) size hgcb metal with all labour,cess and t&p required for the work etc. complete in all respect. 1” thick d.p.c with c.c(1:2:4) using 12mm. chips etc. cpmplete as per direction of engg-in-charge . r.c.c. work m-20 grade using 20mm and 10mm size black hard crusher broken granite chips including hoisting lowering laying and centring shuttering and finishing the exposed surface smooth providing groves or beds wherever necessary including cost, conveyance, roya
Sector: Agriculture Dept