Description: OUTSOURCING THE MAINTENANCE TO THE MARINE AQUARIUM FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR 2024 25 Name of Work Outsourcing the Maintenance to the Marine Aquarium for a Period of One Year 2024 25
Details: Outsourcing the Operation and maintenance of aquarium in all respect, with deploying adequate experienced man power with following term and condition.The rate of wages against the Item No.1 is as per the approved labour rate of Govt. of India/PPA from time to time.The contractor shall have to pay canteen allowance @Rs.80/Per day/each, washing allowance @Rs.45/Per day/each, Transport allowance @Rs.60/Per day/each, Welfare allowance @Rs.60/Per day/each, EPF, ESI contribution, Leave salary 1 day salary for 20 days work, retrentch benefits @15 days wages per year, Natural death insurance @Rs.1500/per year. Accidental death insurance @Rs.350/per year will be paid to the workers and will be reimbursed by PPT. (ii) GST as applicable will be paid by PPA. (iii) Personal protective Equipments (PPEs), bonus as per bonus Act to the engaged worker, for these facilities the payment will be reimbursed as per actual on submisison of supporting documents. High Skilled worker Skilled worker Semi Ski
Sector: Harbor