Details: eph 10000556labour for drilling a perfectly vertical bore hole of specified dia for a specified depth below ground level through consolidated and unconsolidated rock with down the hole hammer drilling rigs or combination drilling rigs (1200cfm/300psi) as required to suit the site condition as per the direction of engineer-in-charge including use of own rigs with its accessories,tools and plant and consumables etc for lowering of 200mm dia pvc pipes for housing fitted with socket and with or without well screen as per tenecessity for soft,medium,hard and boulder formation (pvc casing pipes if required to prevent collapse of overburden is to be provided by the contractor including lowering and with drawing after completion of the tube well).(icluding both labour for drilling 200mm dia upto 30 mtr. & labour for drilling 150mm dia from 30 mtr to 150 mtr including all.) consider for 150 mtr depth.ground floor 10000560cost of p.v.c (a s t m schedule-80) pipe 200 mm dia (astm d-1785)make-orip
Sector: Police and Internal Security