Details: dismantling of existing kerbs and stacking the serviceable kerbs & channels properly at site and disposal of the unserviceable kerbs and channels average lead of 1000 mtr. (ns) refixing of dismantled kerb with cement sand mortar 1:2 complete in all respect and to the entire satisfaction of the engineer -in-charge. (ns) providing and fixing factory manufactured precast concrete kerb of size 300mm x 300mm having 150mm thickness duly vibrated, mechanically and compacted made of p.c.c 1:2:4 duly cured and finished. the rate further include filling of joints between kerb with cement mortar 1:2 complete in all respect and to the entire satisfaction of thr engineer in charge. (ns) preparation and consolidation of sub grade after loosening of the ground upto a level of 300 mm below the sub-grade level, watered, graded and compacted in layers to meet requirement of table 300-2 for sub-grade construction complete in all respect in all respects and to the entire satisfaction of the engineer in ch
Sector: General Admin