Details: providing and laying tack coat with straight run bitumen vg-10 @ 3.0 kg/10 sqm using sprayer pump on prepared surface heating bitumen in boiler and spraying bitumen with spray set fitted on bitumen boiler including cleaning of road surface with complete in all respects as per mort&h specification and to the entire satisfaction of engineer-in-charge. providing and laying 30 mm thick bituminous concrete as per clause 509 of mort&h specification with mechanical paver after mixing aggregate and bitumen as per design mix in hot mix plant using minimum 5.5% bitumen of grade vg30 and using both coarse and fine aggregate filler stone dust @2% by weight of aggregate confirming to relevent specification laid in mort&h specification clause 509.2.2 and 509.2.3 with grading confirming to table 500.18 gradation ii of mort&h specification and density of bituminous concrete as laid 2.35gm/cc complete in all respect as per mort&h specification and to entire satisfaction of engineer -in -charge.
Sector: General Admin