Details: module-1business plan for the control period fy 2025-26 to fy 2026-27v. preparations of the business plan for ewedc as per jerc regulations/order, if presentation of the business plan before the higher authorities of ewedc.vii. filing of business plan complete in six (6) nos. sprial bound sets in all respect before jerc.viii. submission of all written clarifications/ responses within time to all queries of jerc and written objections/ suggestions of the objectors till public hearings on tariff petition on behalf of the jerc, in six (6) spiral bound sets. supply of all queries with relevant responses in one (1) spiral bound set to ewedc.v. approval of business plan by hon’ble submission of analysis report on the order issued by hon’ble commission module-2mydt petition for control period fy 2025-26 to fy 2026-27 including tariff proposal for fy 2025-26, apr for fy 2024-25 and true-up for the fy 2022-23 and 2023-24v. preparations of the mydt petition for control period f
Sector: General Admin