Description: Civil Material Rate Contract Name of Work The items rate contract for supply of civil works at NIT Silchar exclusive of all taxes and levies including carrying charges
Details: Civil Building & road items GI pipe 80mm (TATA / Neozone Medium) GI pipe 65mm (TATA / Neozone Medium) GI pipe 50mm (TATA / Neozone Medium) GI pipe 40mm (TATA / Neozone Medium) GI pipe 32mm (TATA / Neozone Medium) GI pipe 25mm (TATA / Neozone Medium) GI pipe 20mm (TATA / Neozone Medium) GI pipe 15mm (TATA / Neozone Medium) GI Tee 15mm GI Tee 20mm GI Tee 25mm GI Tee 32mm GI Tee 40mm GI Tee 50mm GI Tee 65mm GI Tee 80mm GI Bend 15mm GI Bend 20mm GI Bend 25mm GI Bend 32mm GI Bend 40mm GI Bend 50mm GI Bend 65mm GI Bend 80mm GI Elbow 15mm GI Elbow 20mm GI Elbow 25mm GI Elbow 32mm GI Elbow 40mm GI Elbow 50mm GI Elbow 65mm GI Elbow 80mm GI Union Socket 15mm GI Union Socket 20mm GI Union Socket 25mm GI Union Socket 32mm GI Union Socket 40mm GI Union Socket 50mm GI Union Socket 65mm GI Union Socket 80mm GI Socket15mm GI Socket20mm GI Socket25mm GI Socket32mm GI Socket40mm GI Socket50mm GI Socket65mm GI Socket80mm GI reducing elbow 15mm x 20mm GI reducing elbow 15mm x 25mm GI reducing elbow 15mm x
Sector: Science University