Details: item no. 1 : earth work in excavation of drainage channel by mechanical means to the proper grade and slopes as required including disposing the excavated debris/soil to a safe distance of minimum 50 m distance, etc. complete as directed. for lead up to 50 m and all lifts. normal soil item no 2:- construction of whole bholuka bamboo double screen with matured bholuka bamboo stacks 75 mm to 100 mm dia., placed at 30 cm clear apart (i.e. 40 cm c/c) driven 4.00 m to 4.50 m below ground and 3.0 m to 3.50 m above ground with hydraulic driving equipment including hire charge of equipment, cost of p.o.l. etc. and providing with 1 (one) row of horizontal half jati bamboo kamies tied with galvanised wire of 16 g to 18 g etc. complete as directed. (using bhaluka bamboo at the rate of 240.00 nos./rm & jati bamboo at the rate of 9.60 nos./rm). item no.3 :- supply of ordinary labour/unskilld labour for miscellaneous work during the working period for 1(one ) month. quantity= 5x30
Sector: Water Resource Department