Description: Scanning and digitization of documents at sub registrar offices under DLRS Assam Name of Work E TENDER FOR THE SCANNING AND DIGITIZATION OF DOCUMENTS AT SUB REGISTRAR OFFICES UNDER DLRS ASSAM
Details: Scanning Cost Cost of Scanning including Meta Data entry for Volume Register (Size 19.5” X 13” (L X B)) Cost of Scanning including Meta Data entry for Index Register (Size 19.5” X13” (L X B) ) Cost of Scanning including Meta Data entry for Deeds (Size A4 & Legal) Software Cost Cost of implementation of DMS software (one time cost) during the project implementation period AMC for first year after project completion AMC for second year after project completion Other Services Cost of Services under Clause 5.8 - DG set, CCTV etc(one time cost), security guard Cost of Misc Works required for pre scanning like Barcoding, cleaning in record room, labelling of racks, transport to and fro from SRO to designated locations
Sector: Land Records