Details: technical specificationsofficefurniture 1. table bigtop:- 36mm thick curved edgetabletop made up of 18mm thick pvcfoiled mdf with the batten of thesame thickness and finish fitted allover the edges with decorative "d"headed aluminum profile fixedbetween joint of top and batten panelto avoid by forced pill-off of pvc foilfrom edge-side resulting in a rich look36mm solid free-flow structure forexecutive seating. the return top ofsize 2057(l) x 470(d) and 36mmthickness with the same structure asthe main top to be fixed on return unitwith the help of tabletop supportmade up of m.s. round pipe epoxypowder coated, leg:- curved shapedgable end or leg positioned inopening angle look having a thicknessof 100mm at the center and reducingto 20mm towards both curved edgeshaving a radius of 10mm as aresulting in an oval look. the gableend is made up of core structure andskin covering the structure with theend profile fixed on it. the woodencore structure is a rigid assembly of50mm thick one central
Sector: Horticulture