Details: special tags- size: 5cm x 5cm- it should have a round cornered rectangular window of 3 cm x 1.5 cm and its distance should be: 1 cm from left and right edge, 1.5 cm from top, 2 cm from bottom.- it should have a small hole with metallic ring near right side of upper edge with minimum distance of 0.6 cm from both edges.- there should be a cut portion of size 1.3 cm x 1.0 cm (vertical x horizontal) on the top right hand corner at a distance 0.5 cm from the top edge.- each special tag should have a unique serial number in 5 digits- control unit number: on the front side at the bottom, there shall also be space for writing the serial number of the control unit in which the special tag is being used. the presiding officer shall write down this serial number before it is used to seal the inner door of the result section. brass metal seal for presiding officer pigeon hole - - the number of pigeon holes in the framework will be 16 (sixteen). - the length of each compartment (pigeon hole) must b
Sector: Election