Details: remuneration for local staff (inclusive of per diem allowance) professional staff team leader senior highway engineer senior bridge engineer/ structural engineer geotechnical material engineer geologist senior survey engineer traffic and safety expert environmental specialist quantity surveyor/ documentation expert land acquistion expert utility expert sub-professional staff: (one sub-professional to be a fresh graduate) assistant highway pavement engineer survey engineer assistant quantity surveyor/documentation expert support staff (fixed rates) office manager (1 no.) typist (1 no.) office boy (1 no.) night watchman (1 no.) transportation (fixed costs) the vehicles hired by the consultants shall include the cost for rental, drivers, operation, maintenance, repairs, insurance, etc. for use of consultants (1 vehicle for 6 months) duty travel to site (fixed costs) all trips office rent (fixed costs) the rent cost includes operation & maintenance, cleaning, repairs, etc for entire
Sector: Road development