Details: Work is being done on Mahatma Gandhi Rural Industrial Park (RIPA) in 6 gram panchayats of 03 development blocks of the district. Technical Support Agency (TSA) is to be selected for livelihood activities and production units in each RIPA. The work of TSA is mainly done for activity selection, capacity building of unemployed youths/supatis/committees/women groups and entrepreneurs, skill upgradation, backward and forward leakages, market linkage and branding of products. Along with this, the scheme has to be widely publicized and a system for setting up single window clearance has to be developed. Training of Gothan committee and management committee, preparation of business plan (B plan), implementation of the plan, etc. are also works. For this, staff will have to be appointed permanently for each RIPA as per the requirement. Who will cooperate and submit report at village level for RIPA.For this, 'Expression of Interest' is invited from interested institutions/firms in sealed envelop
Sector: District Administration