Details: consultancy services for preparation of detailed project report for construction of (i) rola (nh-220) to chalima road via jhalak, shyam sunderpur, kita, saludih, icha (length-25 km) (ii) bagraisai to jarkadih - huda- krishnapur - bikrampur road (length-15 km) (total length-40 km) including replacement/new proposal of culverts, bridges, rob’s, rub’s, complete land acquisition plan including ownership details all complete as per latest guidelines, resettlement and rehabilitation proposal, forest diversion proposal and utility shifting proposal in details etc. as required by the department (if any) under saraikela kharsawan district in the state of jharkhand. add gst @ 18% (in basic rate must fill 0.18) add labour cess @ 1% (in basic rate must fill 0.01)
Sector: Road development