Description: Construction of Drain from Late Idris house via Karim house to Madrsa Noor Mohammad house to Rashid Khan house Jatif House to Madrasa Daud Naga Tetulmari Basti in ward no 07 under DMC Dhanbad 4th Call Name of Work Bill of Quantity for Construction of Drain from Late Idris house via Karim house to Madrsa Noor Mohammad house to Rashid Khan house Jatif House to Madrasa Daud Naga Tetulmari Basti in ward no 07 under DMC Dhanbad 4th Call
Details: 5.1.1 Earth work in excavation in foundation trenches in ordinary soil Ivide classification of soil item A) and disposal of excavated earth a obtained to distance up to 50 mm including all lifts with levelling, ramming the foundation trenches removing roots of trees shrubs all complete as per approved design and per building specification and direction of E/I. 5.1.10 Providing coarse clean sand in filling in foundation trenches or in plinth including ramming and watering in layers not exceeding 150mm thick with all leads and lifts including cost of all materials, labour, royalty and taxes all complete as per building specification and direction of E/I (Mode of measurement compacted volume) 5.6.3 Providing designation 75 B one brick flat soling joints filled with local sand including cost of watering taxes royalty all complete as per building specification and direction of E/l. Providing and laying in position specified grade of reinforcement cement concrete, excluding the cost
Sector: Urban Authority