Details: transformer maintenance & oilconditioning of oil filled transformers ofdnw.cgt & maint of sinter, assembly and of coolerblowers and their casing & repair of pulptank, changing /repairing of priming tankand fabrication of platform & preventivemaintainence and cgt of exhausters.inspection jobs of coils, plates & sheets athrcf.operational jobs of conveyor belts ofunloading section at chp , co & cc.maintenance & cgt of converter tiltingdrive & its supporting repair of shearing line -1 , 2 and coilconveyors of lm bay & acy includingventilation & pump houses.1st time replacement / changing of bullgears of mixers of sms-ii.various civil maintenance works in rgbsinside b.s.plant.composite maintenance of cupequipments at imf.
Sector: Industries and Factories