Details: potahut taking down old door and windows shutters including stacking serviceable materials within 15m lead and disposal of unserviceable materials with all leads all complete as per direction of e/i. taking down chaukhats in doors including stacking serviceable materials within 15m lead and disposal of unserviceable materials with all leads all complete as per direction of e/i. dismentling patent stone floor including stacking serviceable materials in countable stacks within 12m. lead and disposal of unserviceable materials with all leads all complete as per direction of e/i. providing and laying app (atactic polypropylene polymer) modifiedprefabricated five layer 3 mm thick water proofing membrane, blackfinished reinforced with non-woven polyester matt consisting of acoat of bitumen primer for bitumen membrane @ 0.40 litre/sqm bythe same membrane manufacture of density at 25°c, 0.87-0.89 kg/litre and viscocity 70-160 cps. over the primer coat the layer ofmembrane shall be laid using b
Sector: Zilla Parishad