Details: location 1st pouni forest block collection of chir pine needles with the help of rake and broom, bundling of collected chir pine neediles, carriage of chir pine needles by h/l (avg. 2 km), safe dumping/ stacking of collected chir pine needles (in compt. 50/th 51/th, 57/th, 61/th, 57/th, 50/th, 67/th, 67/th and 55/th) location 2nd talwara forest block collection of chir pine needles with the help of rake and broom, bundling of collected chir pine neediles, carriage of chir pine needles by h/l (avg. 3 km), safe dumping/ stacking of collected chir pine needles (in compt. 48a/th, 48b/th, 49c/th location 3rd thakrakote forest block collection of chir pine needles with the
Sector: Forest and Environment