Details: engagement of jcb for clearance of site including removal of accumilated malba from the berms and othr unhygenic material,leveling etc all comlete as per he directions of incharge engineer at site ( to be paid as per actual subject to the maximum of 5 hours) providing & laying of rcc pipes in trenches in proper position including excavation of trenches refilling of excavated materials got from excavation. providing of cushion over pipes incld all carriages of pipes, loading ,unloading and stacking etc complete 12'' dia supply, filling of rbm/ nallah muck including ramming, watering and consoldating with 8-10 tonne road roller with carriage of material upto site of work all complete as per the directions providing and laying of wbm base course with specified stone aggregate of size 63-45mm , stone screening 13.2 mm and binding material including , sorting, spreading to template,m watering and consolidation with p.r.r of (8-10 tonne) capacity all complete including carriage of m
Sector: PWD