Details: fish covering net made of hdpe green colour size 6mt x 25mt with ropes 30nos2. fish nandle net for fingerling collection net 30nos3. torch rechargble 30nos annexure b1. fish covering net made of nylon size 20ft x 80 ft with ropes 30nosannexure c1. fish rearing tank made of fibre glass with out let mechanish for desirablewater level 6 x 6 x 3ft 1nos2. hatching trough of size 2170 x 420 170mm of thickness 5mm made of frp 3 nos3. picking glass for picking trout dead egg with tube 15nos4. egg hatching try made of alminium of sixe 420 x 420 x170mm 12nosannexure d1. egg hatching try made of alminium of sixe 420 x 420 x170mm 1no2. hatching trough of size 2170 x 420 170mm of thickness 5mm made of frp 4noannexure e1. do meter digital pen type 20nosannexure f1. ph meter digital 20nos2. ammonia testing kit mannual 20nos3. digital thermometer