Details: fabrication, providing and fitting of new suction extension piece and foot valve of unit - 4 along with allied works at lis ismailpur. fabrication, providing & fitting of the 300 mm dia suction extension piece of unit 4 by way of dismantling the old rusted suction piece from the suction side by using cutter/welding machine to extract the old worn out extension pipe and cutting rusted nuts bolt with the help of gas cutter and using other tools and tackles, then shifting to workshop as sample. fabrication of 01 no. 300 mm extension piece of length 02 feet length and 01 no. 300 mm bend. providing and fabrication of 05 no. 300 mm flanges as per sample on both sides of extension piece and bends of pipe by way of welding. the job also includes transportation and fitting of fabricated flanged pipes to existing suction pipe and providing fitting of new 300mm dia foot valve of standard make with strainer size of more than 300 mm, by way of providing of new rubber gaskets, nuts and bolts. comple
Sector: Irrigation