Details: repair/replacement of defective water supplying rusted pipes of sizes 1/2”- 10 nos, 3/4” – 10 nos from the submersible motor to the water tanks (ohts), worn out valves(1/2”) – 10 nos, leaked and damaged taps – 20 nos etc. and allied items in the block – b & c (08 nos. quarters), guest house – 01 no., aee quarters – 01 no. and xen quarter – 01 no. the job also includes providing and fitting of allied items required to complete the job. the cost includes cost of material, labour charges and all taxes as applicable. complete job. repair/replacement of old damaged wiring 1mm- 450 mtr, 1.5mm- 270 mtr, 2.5mm- 180 mtr., switches- 50 nos, sockets- 25 nos, led bulbs- 20 nos etc. and other items fitted in the block – b & c (08 nos. quarters), guest house – 01 no., aee quarters – 01 no. and xen quarter – 01 no. the job also includes providing and fitting of allied items required to complete the job. the cost includes cost of material, labour charges and all taxes as applicable. complete job.
Sector: PWD