Details: supply of polybags, supply of potting material, preparation of potting mixture, collection and supply of viable seed, supply and treatment of fungicide and sowing of seed and topping up of polybags at frs manigam, anantnag. (a) supply of polybags of size 9x6(50 micron) @ 160 bags per kg 345.625kgs ((b) supply of potting material consisting of soil, humus and sand for filling up of nursery bags soil = 1659cfthumus = 1106cft sand = 553cft (c) preparation of potting mixture by sieving soil, humus and sand and removing pebbles and other undesirable material and mixing net quantity in the ratio of 3:2:1 & followed by filling up of bags preparation of beds and placement of such filled bags in suitable beds of nursery for raising of nursery of polypods = 55300 nos (d) spraying of fungicide/ pesticides as per requirement
Sector: Forest and Environment