Details: [26.1]supplying and stacking at site of work well-decayed farm-yard manure from any available source, approved by the engineer-in-charge including screening through sieve of i.s.designation 16 mm with 5 km lead. [26.104]providing and displaying of areca palm plant, having ht. 1.50 m to 1.95 m with 8 to 10 suckers, well developed, fresh and healthy with lush green foliage in 30 cm size of earthen /plastic and as per direction of the officer-in-charge. [26.128]providing and displaying of dracaena song of india specimen plant (three in one), having ht. 60 cm and above, well developed, fresh and healthy with good foliage in 20 cm size of earthen /plastic and as per direction of the officer-in-charge. [26.157]providing and displaying of phoenix palm plant, having ht. 75 cm to 90 cm with 10 to 15 or more leaves, well developed, fresh and healthy in 25 cm size of earthen /plastic and as per direction of the officer-in-charge. [26.2]supplying and stacking of good quality top layer g
Sector: General Admin