Details: n.s. item detailed drawings: preparation of layout plan and detailed drawings of various structures for water supply scheme showing the existing and proposed distribution network and water works structure as per estimate complete in all respect. supply of 5 no. colored sets of each drawing. preparation of estimate for water supply scheme for village and hydraulic design of internal distribution lines, preparation of digital plan of the village showing existing w/s system on plan complete in all respect. supply 5 set of estimate. survey: conducting survey, taking out field data of existing w/s component / piping network, preparation of digital plan of the village showing existing w/s system on plan complete in all respect. uploading of rough cost and detailed estimate on hewp including report, certificates, design of scheme, drawings and detailed boq complete in all respect and supply 2 hard copies or rough cost estimate and 3 copies of final detailed estimate. preparation of dnit on he
Sector: General Admin