Details: providing and fixing 100mm dia pvc band isi mark. labour charge for tube-well milan with making tee connection with existing line excavation, cutting, jointing and making connection with existing line complete in all respect. providing and fixing of 6 k.w. electric meter connection with 3 phase energy meter from dhbvn at site in favor of mcf including i.e. connection security, file process charge, connection charge, inspection fee, test report fee, other expenses and installation of 1 nos. approved energy meter landt make with 2 kva capacitor and required cable pvc tee 100x100x100 mm pump g.i. new making with 2` to 2.5` dia providing and fixing of 4” dia m.s. blank plate complete in all respect. @ 850/each supply of 2” dia m.s. clamp complete for tubewell @ 750/each providing and fixing of pvc pipe 4`` dia in manhole. supply, , testing and commissioning of submersible pumping sets the pump motor sets should be capable of pumping clear fresh cold water having 7.5 h.p. 10 stage @
Sector: General Admin