Details: excavation of soil using hyraulic excavator and hydraulic tractor trolly i/c cutting and loading in trolly andtransporting to the embankment locations with all lifts and leads disposal/carraige from 0 to 11.15 km (i/c first 0.6 km katcha then 9.85 km pucca and last 0.7 km katcha ). and extra for compensation of ordinary earth / ordinary clay taken from any source. excavation of soil using hyraulic excavator and hydraulic tractor trolly i/c cutting and loading in trolly andtransporting to the embankment locations with all lifts and leads disposal/carraige from 0 to 9.3 km (i/c first 0.6 km katcha then 8.3 km pucca and last 0.4 km katcha ). and extra for compensation of ordinary earth / ordinary clay taken from any source. dressing of new or remodeling earth work. jungle clearance on running canals and branches, and drains with discharge more than 9 /s.(heavy) extra for royalty of ordinary earth / ordinary clay taken from any source as per punjab state sand and gravel mining policy 202
Sector: Water Resource Department